Urgent: Countdown clock not working on iPad/tablet device & works on mobile
Brighley Dangerfield
Hi team, noticed that the clock for health checks in PG on an ipad doesn't tell you the last time a child was checked, but on a mobile device it does tell you. Could we please have this looked at urgently? Most centres don't want their staff using their phones on the floor, but if the tablets/ipads don't have the clock on there they won't be able to use that either
Hi Brighley,
Could this be a bug? I will pass it on.
Brighley Dangerfield
Selina: Hi Selina, looks like this issue has been fixed. I was told to add to Canny, but it was an engineering issue
Brighley Dangerfield:
That's great! Thank you for your message. I'm always happy to hear from people. Have a great weekend.