Frequent Absence, Exemptions, Bulk actions - Report Improvement
For my families that have frequent absences I like to be able to show them a comparison of what they have booked and what they attended for the past 1-2 months this helps them see their pattern and make a good decision about what hours they want or need to change or will start attending more regularly. I have tried lots of various reports and settings but I can’t get a report with this information for only one family. Their calander is the closest to finding this but when you Click on attendce report it only gives attended not booked vs attended.
Matt Easterbrook
For specific children, the "Child Weekly Attendance" report (not the Children Weekly Attendance report!) also has a Booked vs Attended function that will be released on 20/07/2023 in Discover v1.23.15.
Other improvements already released to mark this as complete: Bulk action for Reverse Absence Exemptions, and an option for "Only Show Children Missing FA" the Absence Exemption report, and improvements to the usability of the Frequent Absence report.
Matt Easterbrook
in progress
Matt Easterbrook
Hi all, I've scoped up the items in these requests that have been merged and asked Engineering to start working on them as BAU items in their backlog.
Matt Easterbrook
Hi Amy, I know it has been a (long!) while since this was raised, but recently we made an update to the Children Attendance report to include Booked vs Attended hours. Under Reports > Children Reports > Children Attendance, select the Booked vs Attended report and run it for the past. It gives you the full centre (eg, can't run per child) but hoping this might come in handy while we look at implementing all the changes on this request (including it's merged requests)
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Frequent absence report - rule 3
Jayne Dawson
When running the FA report and selecting Additional Tips to see further information, we were advised to change the enrolment based on the calculations provided by Discover. This works well for rules 1 and 2, but with rule 3 the number of minutes that Discover calculates includes the number of minutes absent for the whole day, so distorts the figures. Rather than days where the child arrived late or finished early. Which means we either lose funding following the information that Discover provides or administrators need to manually work out the number of minutes to reduce the enrolment by. If Discover was able to calculate based on days attended that would be fantastic. Thanks
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Frequent absences
Ashlee Yandle
For Family to be able to confirm and digitally sign frequent absence and attestation forms. Limiting paper trail need as well as following up, especially with covid restrictions limiting parent comments etc.
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Bulk Action for Absence exemption
It would be great to Also use Bulk Action to reverse Absence exemptions
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Absence Exemption Report
Gladys Elizabeth Marais
Can we PLEASE have a feature added on the Discover system, Absence Exemption report that will show the children who don't have an absence exemption added to them. Once a bulk action for absence exemption is done, any children enrolled after this action is not included in the absence exemption and needs to be added individually. We need a report to be able to check that ALL children have the required exemption so our RS7's are correct. Thank you.
Kind regards
Gladys - Fantails
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
What happens now? Your request is left in 'Open' for others to vote and comment on. After that, it will be moved to 'Under Review' or our 'Backlog'.
Top feature requests (based upon number of votes) will be reviewed by the Discover Team each quarter as we aim to prioritise your requests into our annual roadmap.
Jeanette Allison
Would be great if parents could just confirm the weekly attendance on the tablet while at preschool- make it nice and easy and they will do it- well hopefully!
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